Experts in Care Management, Power of Attorney, Executor, and Certified Guardian Services.

Areas of Expertise

SCP/GSP provides a full spectrum of clinical services in our mission to empower each of our clients with 360º of care. We begin with a clinical assessment of each client as a first step in the care process. A Written Plan of Action for individual care is submitted for review and approval. SCP then executes the written plan with ongoing monitoring and continuous communication.

Securing Appropriate Benefits

Promoting a self-determined life.

Behavioral intervention, supportive services and caregiver support.

Mental Health Issues

Starting with a bio-psychosocial assessment/social history research to determine eligibility.

Assisting families in registration with County Office of 
Intellectual Disabilities.


Emotional support and emphasized independence.

Traumatic Brain Injury

In person monitoring for independence and dignity throughout daily life.

Physically Challenged

Emotional support emphasizing independence with daily life activities.

Special Needs

Working with Special Needs Trusts to comply with DPW and Social Security regulations.

Visually Impaired/Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Interpretation services, audiological services and devices, access to Braille products and adaptive equipment.