Experts in Care Management, Power of Attorney, Executor, and Certified Guardian Services.

Our Core Values

We here at SCP/GSP strongly believe that long lasting core values are what define our culture.  These are not just “feel good” words.  Our core values define who we are.  Please read more about SCP/GSP’s core values below and feel free to contact Sue Brown of our Values Team if you would like to find out more about our values or if you would like help in defining your own company values.  Sue’s telephone number is 610.742.3289.

senior care group

How SCP Demonstrates focus on their Values

Compassion: Client focus beyond measure
  • Clients are SCP’s priority.
  • The Business Office Team’s focus is on the organization of client funds, ensuring clients’ benefits are maximized, 100% Medical Assistance approval, teamwork, open communication, promoting new processes for company consistency and efficiency. The team respects each other’s roles within the company. Client bills are paid timely and there is proper consideration regarding a client’s property management. All the above is done in a dedicated effort to ensure client well-being.
  • The Clinical Team’s focus is on the safety and well-being of our clients. The team emphasizes responsiveness, empathy, assessment and care planning based on client need.
  • The SCP Clinical Team goes above and beyond to serve our clients. SCP breaks the traditional “care management” single track assessment process and adds flexibility to service, enabling us to fully deliver on meeting the needs of our clients.
  • SCP communicates as a team between both the business and clinical track in a unified approach.  SCP executes professional services by looking at a client’s entire wheel of life including physical, mental, emotional health, financial security, safety, maximizing independence, long term housing, and estate management, to name a few.
Integrity: Unwavering Moral Principles
  • SCP functions with a strong moral foundation. We’ve gained trust and credibility with providers, courts, healthcare professionals, attorneys, clients and their families throughout our 19 years of service. We do this by maintaining professionalism, good communication, dedication to community services, helping those in need, and being experts in our field/position on the team.
  • SCP boasts a strong reputation as a company of excellence.
  • SCP believes in being the highest in ethical standards and we maintain a stable approach to long-term success. 
  • SCP is compliant in all laws related to the field of guardianship, power of attorney, and care management services. 
  • SCP promotes honesty.
  • SCP is loyal to its clients.
  • SCP believes in fairness. Treating everyone on the team the same in encouragement, support, and open communication. SCP encourages everyone to share their thoughts and ideas.
  • SCP believes in creating a unified environment where employees feel comfortable and safe.
  • SCP believes in respect. Treating everyone on the team with respect is a cornerstone of our business. SCP listens to colleagues and clients with an open mind and shows kindness and respect when interacting. SCP believes in remaining polite even during disagreements with co-workers, professionals, clients, and client family members.
  • SCP believes in responsibility. Responsibility means everyone on the team takes ownership of their duties within the company. It also includes thinking about how your actions can affect those around you and making choices that consider other people. SCP depends on a responsible team to make the best decisions without requiring constant supervision. Being responsible demonstrates maturity, capability and discipline.
  • SCP believes in accountability
  • SCP believes in compassion

Collaboration: Combined efforts are greater than our separate efforts
  • SCP takes a team approach to client care.
  • SCP’s business and clinical track meet on a regular basis either in group settings or one on one to ensure both processes and client care are at the highest level of quality.
  • SCP believes that collaboration is key to success in the workplace and towards the safety and well-being of SCP clients.
  • SCP believes we will work better together to achieve the common goal of advocating for our clients. 
  • SCP instills confidence in their team to bring forth the best and innovative ideas.
  • SCP team members learn from each other’s experiences and backgrounds. SCP promotes learning from each other.
  • Collaboration allows the SCP team to bring their expertise in different areas to the workplace, creating a larger talent pool and increasing the possibility that problems will be solved by drawing from these diverse backgrounds.
Empowerment: Focus on employee wellness and mindset
  • Studies show employee empowerment not only leads to higher job satisfaction, but improved work performance and a greater commitment to the organization.
  • SCP strives to build a culture of trust. The founders of SCP believe in leading by example and keeping their promises, telling the truth and encourage open dialogue.
  • Honest feedback is encouraged and requested.
  • Demonstrate empathy.
  • Foster open communication with colleagues, clients, and their family members.
  • Be purpose driven. SCP rallies its team around a common purpose to ensure confident decision-making.
  • Delegate responsibilities and tasks. None of us “can do it all.”  SCP trusts its team and can hand off important tasks and responsibilities to efficiently execute initiatives, processes, and all client needs.
  • Support growth opportunities.
Transparency: Visible effort to ensure truth and trust
  • Focus is on timely responses to clients, their families, caregivers, healthcare providers and residential facilities.
  • SCP works on increasing the accessibility of information about our company through their website and newsletter.
  • SCP’s approach is to be honest and straightforward about our operations and processes.
  • SCP believes in a trusting environment for both its clients as well as its team.
  • SCP has created a list of CORE Values and does its best to follow these values. SCP Values serve as a guidepost in decision-making.
  • SCP orients the team to the five core values to make it easier for the team to understand and follow them.
  • SCP strives to be open and candid about day-to-day experiences in the workplace as to negate the rumor mill.  SCP does not support a rumor driven environment.