Experts in Care Management, Power of Attorney, Executor, and Certified Guardian Services.


Programs Offered To All Areas Of Service

Every day, the team at SCP/GSP goes above and beyond in our dedicated care to our clients—even when some things are out of our traditional scope of services.

  • Professional Care Management
  • Certified Guardian of Person and/or Estate
  • Power of Attorney
  • Representative Payee
  • Special Needs Trust

Non-traditional Service Provided

Benefit Coordination

One of the key areas in our assessment process is to maximize our client’s portfolio of benefits. Once the list of benefits for a client has been identified by one of our on site clinicians, our team of in-house benefit specialists complete, submit and follow through until the applied for benefits are approved.

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SCP/GSP Clinical Services

Referrals to SCP/GSP are addressed swiftly as we understand the importance and urgency of immediately managing client needs.

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